The Florida State Great Seal And Flag Explained (With Actual Supporting Facts)
Curated and aggregated by Carter Crabtree
The Great Seal of Florida is proudly displayed on the State Flag, which seems to have a fairly checkered, but not X’d-out, past.
First, take note of the original state seal, shown above. It’s worth pointing out that Florida does not currently have a mountain range and there are no discernible steamboats anywhere today.
The land upon which the nice, thankful-looking lady is stands is now dotted with gorgeous condominiums sporting all forms of clear and of danger. This is especially true for the almighty, dollar-attracting, beachfront property. To make matters worse, the nice lady seems to be dropping her flowers on the ground for no good reason.
Hurricanes? For the weak and poor!
Insurance? We really to hate to about that here.
Just move along.
So, what happened? How’d we arrive at The Great Seal of Florida and State Flag Lunchtime Combo Special to begin with?
Here are various points of view, all well worth considering. You decide. And feel free to mix and match.
If that made-up, nice standing-by-the water lady only knew.

Carter C. Crabtree
The first observation is from The Washington Post and an excellent piece authored by Columnist Alexandria Petri: “Every state flag is wrong, and here is why”, published in 2015. Here's where Florida comes in:
Let’s Start Here:

Someone gave the State of Alabama a box to check with the question “DO YOU WANT TO CREATE A FLAG?” and this was the response. That, or Alabama is unable to write its name and has to sign everything with a big red X. In general, it is a poor idea to pick as your flag an image that could be regarded as a negative answer to the question, “Should you visit Alabama?”
“Can we just use the Alabama flag?” Florida asked. “No.” “How about if we put our seal on it?” “Yeah. I guess, but –” “Great.”

I see what you did there. “But if we put the words ‘Wisdom’ ‘Constitution,’ ‘Justice’ and ‘Moderation’ on it, they’ll never guess that it’s secretly a Confederate flag 1.0.” “How about if we put WIS DOM on instead?” “Sure, okay.”

“Two words: Confederate Yugoslavia.”
“But neither of those places exists any longer.”
“Sounds to me like their flags are free for the taking.”
“Well –”
Carter Crabtree feels this one hits on all cylinders. Comes loaded with actual, real facts! Get the popcorn out! cccourthouse.org
There’s this from The Miami New Times: Is Florida’s State Flag “The Most Overtly Racist Symbol in the United States”?
That’s it. If you read all the above and took a peek at the links, then, Carter Crabtree has messed with your mind.
If you have comments or questions, please talk to Carter C. Crabtree by clicking here.